Monday, September 30, 2019


dwindling days, and nights lengthening.
tis that time of year for cuddling.
warmth in demand as cold and snow
approach and threatening.  

have been reading some more 
Charles Bukowski and will need
my poor brain rejuvenated 
and a thorough cleaning,
setting me on road to recovery.

but I'll be back, reading more
Charles Bukowski because
doing so is like a swift keep
in the ass, getting up and over
those dreaded boring ways and times.

she is in other room making supper.
I'm in here pretending to be a poet
and an artist. and the wants and needs
of community 

a crow on a pole
watching me watching it.
and neither of us
has the get up and go
to get up and get gone.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


in a cyber limbo, of sorts.
grey obstacles becoming one
with the many, while certain
principles cry foul!

and the ball keeps rolling. 
where it stops, no one yet knows.
and cold winter winds blow.
and our bodies grow cold.

a comprehensive understanding
of all things frivolous, mundane
and absolutely useless.
innuendoes rising up from

shadows where time is lost,
forbidden by those knowing
factual, meaningless words
swept up off existing crisis.

in the world of gangs, drugs,
drug cartels, there are no winners;
only death and waiting to die.
they are their own worst enemies.

this does not require smart.
albeit, smart would be a vast
improvement over this lackluster
attempt at being outside the
realm of knowledgeable nuances
not yet available to this old brain.
mores the pity, then.

well, yes, autumn, how wonderful.
cooling down, down, down.
oh, how I love cooler weather.
makes me feel half human again.
and  now the wind comes rushing by;
holding a feather up high
in a could free, magnificent sky.

Thursday, September 26, 2019


every few decades a great talent shows
up and stands above and beyond all.
Susie Clevenger turned me onto
Laura Pergolizzi; what a fabulous talent.
cannot get enough of that music...

now they tell us hell has frozen over and
I'll need make new plays for retirement.
darn it! isn't that just how it goes?
get all excited and bang, rug gets
pulled out from under us. 

let us not put off until tomorrow
what we can do the next day
or several days later than that.

we were so much
then grew into oursevles
and we were nothing more
than nothing ever was

and our fluttering selves
fluttered apart and flew
and our songs sang blue
and blue was our muse
and those blues flew and flew

ah! then yesterday fell down;
leaving a big mess for cleanup today,
with plenty left for tomorrow!

and have a pocket full of attributes,
and no hope in hell of selling any.
and such quality, these attributes.
sell for big money where circumstances
permit such transactions to be legal.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


a strip of moonlight
illuminating simple pleasure
so very profound

punishment, mete out as needed.
fierceness adds flavor;
tastes like chicken.

every freaking thing
tastes like chicken.
you and I taste like chicken;
should someone
care to taste us.

a bright spot in a 
bleak, dreary day.
horizon of dark daydreams.

scheming shadows looming.
just another one of those
hazy empty lazy days.

sitting on deck
watching snow smelt
and watching rabbits fornicate.

in inclement weather
a place exists where death
teaches the living
infinite patience.


stark simplicity 
of space and time
coupled with a distance
twice removed from
reality and prying
eyes of infinity

will thy eyes beseech thee?

ostensibly sober of naive
fundamentalist on a fringe
have seen anguish
know the cry and death throes
feeling pain of descent


have been in violation
of my own senseless
predominating acts of
self preservations;

brain leaching entities
seeking to suck very last
bit of commonsense 
not yet spilled from
these hell bent for
election ears in waiting.

ghoulish specimens;
pointless public relations
bullshit. oh, I'm sorry:
bullpoop, there, is that better?

now ask me if I care?
don't bother; rhetorical question;
already know the answer, don't you?

blame this on a horrid,
grueling evil winter,
having distorted my brain
to a fine dust of nothing.
brain freeze ultimate.

arrogance as a soup
for those folks with
discriminating tastes.

and they're out there, folks.
oh, gosh, yes, arrogance
gives soup a very distinctive
robust taste not found anywhere

else in this universe; and especially
not in this time zone. 
and the flatulence produced is like
none other; very heavy.

a testy sigh; buck up, bucky!
now we have conspirators 
stealing underwear.
for what purpose may
never be known.

suggest inspecting all
underwear drawers
from here to there;
and all mysterious neighbors.
one never knows, does one?

brief interval between 
todays' failures and
tomorrow successes.
intellect rides in to the rescue. 

split the difference;
cash and carry only.
no credit according to intellect.
intellect rides off in sunset.

devious son of a maniac;
plucking chickens.
cloud of displaced feathers
here to next revolution.

chicken shi…..poop from
coast to coast and all those
decapitated chickens
flopping around like chickens
with heads chopped off. 

Sunday, September 22, 2019


do not stare at this overly much.
your brain will turn to mush 
and I won't be held responsible
do to anger management issues 
and the fact my mind has,
undoubtedly, turned to mush. 

from knitting book, pickup at a second-hand store
for purpose of the photos. 

a fly flew high
but not too high
becoming lost in a
very high blue sky

oh why oh why
writing like this
could make a fly cry
a fly's dilemma

but I don't cry, do you?

Saturday, September 21, 2019


philosophical discussions
of mundane affairs;
frustrating so called genius
of a renown world of fantasy
relationships under a 
mirrored ceiling.
no meek entities allowed. 

we well speak of facilitation 
of logistics. then, we will 
not make mention of it again.

doing so could send logistics
into a steep spiral with no
hope of recovery before first snow,
and a late spring thaw.

hope this satisfies you logistic
aficionados get out of that
deep rut you've bogged down in.

at earliest convenience, please
differentiate this phenomena
between Bitcoin and Ethereum
now sweeping our floors and
walls of our mental disparity.
respectfully, sly chicken
and rugged rabbit 

born to be a roughneck in a
rumpus room of noncommittal 
socialites ready to raise holy heck
over little of nothing coming
forth on a pink thinking cloud

preforming vaudeville acts
while sly chicken and
rugged rabbit get it on
in the dressing room;
sure to be a big hit in the
upcoming follies.