Tuesday, December 31, 2019


let those that can do.
take solace in fact that
those that can do,
and share their doings
with folks like me and you.

if you eat, you will shit.
it is the simple.
don't make me prove it.
smell alone will burn 
your eyes out.

saving ourselves from ourselves
is a tricky business;
best accomplished after good
night's sleep and some
tender pillow talk, waking up
fresh and bouncing in morn. 

am the sole owner of this
mind and body, and reserve
the right to think and do
as I please, without causing
discomfort to others. period.

if this required a license,
many of us would be 
shit out of luck without
as much as a backward
look as world bounces 
down upon us. BOOM!

picture a charismatic neanderthal
with suspicious behavior 
covered in pure horse feathers
with a niggling sensation
of floating high and wide
becoming eerily elusive
while asleep in a fickle dream

Saturday, December 28, 2019


thought I was perfect
then got married and
found out just how
imperfect I really was
she's working on me
am sure to be perfect soon

those believing in coincidence
live reckless lives
mostly likely to become victims.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


beauty that settles into us
filling us with awe
filling us with joy
filling us with life
filling us

suffocation tension
thick and staggering
just one of those days
days we all suffer
tomorrow will be brighter
with positive energy
sun shining 

hungry for knowledge
strong need for intelligence 
a love for learning
a passion growing
steady and positive
never ending 

much animosity between
a squirrel and a crow
crow is much too close
to the squirrel's hole
crow has got to go!

regrets: leave that baggage behind.
services no good purpose
dragging those regrets
into our future.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


rejoice, in the fact, 
these old knees, hip,
still carry me through
another day.
another day walking freely,
with no artificial aids. 

at this time of life,
as advanced as it is,
time to accept what is
and let bygones be gone. 
no sense shaking up past;
let past lie where it must.
yah, past, be gone with you.

chickens are fighting in my head.
if that isn't bad enough;
fox are preparing a raid
inside my chicken scratching head.
justifiable homicide, some may say.
just how it goes, others claim.

all we ever wanted to know about 
polyphonic but were afraid to ask.

mishmash of memories
periphery of thoughts
demanding attention
of this tired old brain

Saturday, December 21, 2019


tuning out the negative
allowing only positive
on this most marvelous
windless 50 degree 
December 19, 2019, day
one may be so inclined 
go outside and play.

prestigious thinking requires
an enema, plus a rhetorical 
approach at growing a 
serviceable brain able to 
withstand living in a cookie jar.

BOOM! just BOOM!
have a nice day, night, whatever.
just BOOM!

held a picnic and invited
a frog, hog and log.
sat on log watching 
hog eat the log;
then roasted the hog.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


know everything worth knowing
without knowing what needs knowing.
but you know all of this, so
won't go all over this again.
next we will discuss birds and bees,
and sneezing between our knees. 

do my best thinking
when she tells me
what to think, I think.

people need worth;
without we stagnate. 
stagnation leads to hopelessness.
hopelessness destroys 

Saturday, December 14, 2019


today is today; no argument there.
to argue would be a fool's game.
and today is cold, with heavy frost.
a good day to stay inside today and play.
or just nap, whatever suits one's fancy.
tomorrow we'll worry on tomorrow
when tomorrow arrives, and not a minute before.
let us be ready when tomorrow does arrive;
not to be lost in our yesterdays. 

until tomorrow, then,
when frozen river again flows.
and sun begs attention.
and fish are leaping high,
and days never seem to end.
until then.