Thursday, April 2, 2020


April 2, 2020
went from up 70 degrees to this in less than 24 hours.
half foot snow with cold and wind. 
will be a green spring. but, folks, with that
nasty virus making the rounds, we gladly take this.

so now what? we stagger
around searching for answers
of what haunts and tortures
so unrelenting? a disease,
a sickness has us staggering
to and fro searching for 
answers to that having
no fundamental answers
to all of what we do not know
and very possibly never will.

save yourselves! run!
do it before anger management
catches you, makes a grand
example out of you.
we do not want that!
really, run now. except
bologna on a stick!
as usual, I'm lost.

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