Sunday, January 27, 2019


internet blogosphere is a riot.
literally, a riot. 
riot is where its at.
we do love our riots;
if not, would not be so many.
we are violence aficionados.
our favorite interest is to
watch all the rumpus action,
and bitch about it over coffee
with a group of riot prone friends.

yesterday is a woman
I once knew.
today I saddle up
and ride;
ride up and away 
into unknowns. 
and tomorrow 
cries for 
a women I once knew. 

push the envelope
and the envelope pushes 
and another stutter
step; slap a stamp
on that arrogant envelope,
and off it goes, with
all the bad news
stuffed recklessly inside;
and with goes our pride.

our quest for knowledge
leads us a merry chase;
over hill, over dale,
as those cold north 
winds wail. 
while doing this,
am listening to music
by the Amazonas; 
music from the Andes.
such beautiful music!
everything goes so much
better with music.

spread peanut-butter
over my poems
to make my poems
at least eatable
in not readable

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