Thursday, March 21, 2019


swivel, sniffle, dribble;
sure to be collateral damages.
will not elaborate 
on those damages;

other than to say:
pain will be involved.
how much pain depends
largely upon each
individual threshold.

he wore a fire hydrant
on his head.
she wore a turkey
on her head.

turkey crapped 
all down her back.
he opened his hydrant
washed her all down.

being to conspicuous;
expect a magic bullet.
pompous morning bird; rising.

Tarzan moved in next door;
that big old oak tree.
prosecution in the offing.
blizzard just leaving.
snow shovels at the ready.

thick as thieves;
well, they are thieves, so....
romancing the dollar.
penny pinching clowns;
ain't funny at all.
them comes the day;
all comes tumbling down.


each generation need find
their own pathway.
not doing so leaves a

generation floundering
in dust and ash of time
and far off distance.

a bit unorthodox;
questionable activities.
no provenience on any of this.
old is old and well remain always so.

grow up and let it all go.
what hides under rock and stone,
is at home and resting
please, do not disturb.

country over there
think they are right.
and that other country
over here is wrong.

rest easy, all you pea-brains:
history will certainly decide
which is right and wrong.
and all our raving goes for naught. 

small thinkers, big  thoughts;
transcending into gray mist.
cresting over hill and dale;
rainbows on parade.

oh, how so very predictable
we all become, our instincts 
whither and fade, die.

we play such foolish games;
games at which we cannot
possibly win; so busy

we are becoming predictable.
so mediocre and tiresome
we all become. Mea culpa. 

competence was never 
a problem; I just ignored it.
after all, incompetence
is not a crime,  per se. 

at least not in this time zone.
anyways, I just sleep through
any possible competence issues.

oh, the power of sleep,
overcoming rigors of everyday life.
truly wonderful. 

positive developments 
certainly preferable over
negative developments.

but who is to know
minds of such fools?
process of synthesis;

quite complicated in 
robust rigorous circles,
hiding ourselves in metaphors.

Monday, March 18, 2019


we drag our sorry asses
through mundane life and times
of those most outrageous
TV reality shows; our minds
turning to mush: certain to
be in next load of crap we
deposit in our next poop run.

yes, an eccentric old man, am I.
make not qualms about it.
at times all said and done,
nothing much to attest.

what is, is, to ever be such.
this old dilapidate brain,
about run its course, of course.

prospects vague; indistinct
details of. location immaterial
at this stage of game. Poet
came up lame. oh, so, rabbit,
move along now. 
be gone with you
poet needs rest and vitamins. 

optimist, pessimist, same horse, different direction.

not to insinuate, but his
attempt at humor fell flat,
leading to conjure up
some revenge by those

humorless, soulless morons
facing debouched court
of inquiry, searching for
heads to slice and dice.

announcing nothing.
promising nothing; so be it.
poet came up lame-brain;
storm raging inside poet's head.
so be it.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


all we need in life is
a quick wit, sharp stick,
and knowledge to know
which most appropriate
at any given moment
in all our robust lives.

legends come and go.
one fact legends share: mystery.
rarely a legend has
no mystery attached.

believe in what you may;
legends will persist;
with acquired mystery 

whole different perspective,
looking up from down,
a hole appears;

a complete surprise given
in hole appears an eye
as red as any early sunrise
and burning near as brightly. 

following in footsteps of greatness;
a heavy load to carry.
take a mighty strong constitution;
show no signs of weakness.
standing strong and proud.

much of my earlier poetry
hinted at satire. many,
mostly young up and comers,
confuse satire with sarcasm.

an understandable mistake.
however, does fall on me
to teach difference between
satire and sarcasm.

this falls on readers to ascertain.
unable to do so, may suggest
different venue of travel
for those easily mislead. 


pothole, porthole, orifice.
hole in the Ozone.
extra hole in head for
some badly needed
ventilation; cooling
down a very hot brain.

and for conclusion:
part of a whole
without hole preference;
as far as this  should go.
going, going, gone. 

operators operate.
how splendid is that?
let us not forget dealers;
dealers deal. 

how could this get any better?
not to worry; it won't.
train of thought froze solid
a few day back.

and this , this is what happens
when one's brain freeze
solid, few days back. 

hypothetically speaking
never speaks well of anything
or anyone, for that matter.

nothing a little wet-work
could not clean up, clear out,
or bury in our plentiful snowbanks,
along with any hope for
any early spring.

fat chance of that happening.

one could sympathize
with that old cuckold
until coming to realize
that old cuckold has had
more affairs than that
old rooster making rounds
of a dozen hen houses, daily.

oh, such fine words pouring
forth from those big yawning
holes in bigger that life heads

held up with meek, weak physics
only needing one quick buff
knocking those fat heads
down on the fat asses.

spent life growing up
nontraditional upbringing.
savor the freedom of;
freedom of such.

comprehensive level of
knowledge; focusing
on truism.

powerful undertaking
with benefits;
realizing one's freedom
not taken for granted. 

riding a bike, much like
shooting a gun.
once done, one does not forget.


not a challenge one
would readily frequent,
flowing against popular opinion.

not all wired for such drama;
albeit, hard-pressed dance routine;
changing partners mid-swing.

no lectures, obscenity master!
after all, brave rabbit, 
not your problem.
 grab a carrot and
 be gone with you.

scandals, how we do love
our scandals. 
well, here's a scandal
unprecedented in the 
world of rabbits and fox.

rabid rabbit and mad fox
are on a tryst in the 
South of France;

sure to come to no good.
oh, the scandal, folks!
rabbit and fox fornicating!

oh, those privileged;
such a dysfunctional bunch.
divorces on speed-dial.
change partners on a whim.

publicity hungry to no ends.
be assured friends, neighbors,
dysfunctional roustabouts,

this old fart could care less.
there, it's out there;
love it, hate it, fuck it.

not knowing difference
between a Ming and Tupperware
does not reflect too overly bad
on a country lad's upbringing.

that such a lad would even
worry self over such an
outlandish vase, and would
happily use Ming and Tupperware
equally in target practice.

voices rising in a crescendo 
against mundane wantonness.
a failing of discipline; not to
fraternize with ignorance.

nervous energy requires solace.
sing-song, sing-song, sing...…

as winter drags on and on,
stress builds substantially.
frustration turns ugly.

madness sets in as we
beat ourselves up over
nothing and everything.

believe strongly in intense
personal exploration
of self-conscience; that
evaluation of reveal steady,

firm motion forward;
seeking light in all those
dark, ugly shadows
circling in around us.

Sunday, March 3, 2019


we speak of bravery,
without clear knowledge
what bravery consists of.

and from this we
attack innocence.

lights radiant in cold rain
rain becoming snow
as cold winds blow
radiant lights shimmering 
boldly on through
all that rain and snow

parabolic nuances for
those shot from cannons
while eating up platitudes
with sense of job well done.

nothing definitive here, boss.
oh, poop! not that again!
infatuated with prerequisites. 

small and nearly invisible.
but not silent! oh, no;
buzzing around much like
a first class maniac on speed.

mosquito got some loco blood;
blood loaded with speed.
go, mosquito, go!

let us speak of tranquility;
what profound knowledge
discovered in such finery.

peace and contentment,
never before defined;
waling through quietness.

savoring dignity of such,
as we lay our troubles bare.
hopes soaring high in refined
dignified summer air. 

fiercely, therapeutic nuances
for those hard to please.
and a side of arrogance
for those starting fires;

learning art of burning
life down around them.
spankings at Walmart;
three for a dollar, plus tax.

a guy we call Crackers
is on line one, calling
for live and spankings
at Walmart.

we keep telling him:
no love, just spankings.

believe strongly in intense
personal exploration
of self-conscience;

that evaluation of reveal
steady, firm motion forward;
seeking light in all those
darkest of shadows.