Monday, March 18, 2019


we drag our sorry asses
through mundane life and times
of those most outrageous
TV reality shows; our minds
turning to mush: certain to
be in next load of crap we
deposit in our next poop run.

yes, an eccentric old man, am I.
make not qualms about it.
at times all said and done,
nothing much to attest.

what is, is, to ever be such.
this old dilapidate brain,
about run its course, of course.

prospects vague; indistinct
details of. location immaterial
at this stage of game. Poet
came up lame. oh, so, rabbit,
move along now. 
be gone with you
poet needs rest and vitamins. 

optimist, pessimist, same horse, different direction.

not to insinuate, but his
attempt at humor fell flat,
leading to conjure up
some revenge by those

humorless, soulless morons
facing debouched court
of inquiry, searching for
heads to slice and dice.

announcing nothing.
promising nothing; so be it.
poet came up lame-brain;
storm raging inside poet's head.
so be it.

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