Sunday, March 3, 2019


we speak of bravery,
without clear knowledge
what bravery consists of.

and from this we
attack innocence.

lights radiant in cold rain
rain becoming snow
as cold winds blow
radiant lights shimmering 
boldly on through
all that rain and snow

parabolic nuances for
those shot from cannons
while eating up platitudes
with sense of job well done.

nothing definitive here, boss.
oh, poop! not that again!
infatuated with prerequisites. 

small and nearly invisible.
but not silent! oh, no;
buzzing around much like
a first class maniac on speed.

mosquito got some loco blood;
blood loaded with speed.
go, mosquito, go!

let us speak of tranquility;
what profound knowledge
discovered in such finery.

peace and contentment,
never before defined;
waling through quietness.

savoring dignity of such,
as we lay our troubles bare.
hopes soaring high in refined
dignified summer air. 

fiercely, therapeutic nuances
for those hard to please.
and a side of arrogance
for those starting fires;

learning art of burning
life down around them.
spankings at Walmart;
three for a dollar, plus tax.

a guy we call Crackers
is on line one, calling
for live and spankings
at Walmart.

we keep telling him:
no love, just spankings.

believe strongly in intense
personal exploration
of self-conscience;

that evaluation of reveal
steady, firm motion forward;
seeking light in all those
darkest of shadows.

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