Tuesday, March 5, 2019


not a challenge one
would readily frequent,
flowing against popular opinion.

not all wired for such drama;
albeit, hard-pressed dance routine;
changing partners mid-swing.

no lectures, obscenity master!
after all, brave rabbit, 
not your problem.
 grab a carrot and
 be gone with you.

scandals, how we do love
our scandals. 
well, here's a scandal
unprecedented in the 
world of rabbits and fox.

rabid rabbit and mad fox
are on a tryst in the 
South of France;

sure to come to no good.
oh, the scandal, folks!
rabbit and fox fornicating!

oh, those privileged;
such a dysfunctional bunch.
divorces on speed-dial.
change partners on a whim.

publicity hungry to no ends.
be assured friends, neighbors,
dysfunctional roustabouts,

this old fart could care less.
there, it's out there;
love it, hate it, fuck it.

not knowing difference
between a Ming and Tupperware
does not reflect too overly bad
on a country lad's upbringing.

that such a lad would even
worry self over such an
outlandish vase, and would
happily use Ming and Tupperware
equally in target practice.

voices rising in a crescendo 
against mundane wantonness.
a failing of discipline; not to
fraternize with ignorance.

nervous energy requires solace.
sing-song, sing-song, sing...…

as winter drags on and on,
stress builds substantially.
frustration turns ugly.

madness sets in as we
beat ourselves up over
nothing and everything.

believe strongly in intense
personal exploration
of self-conscience; that
evaluation of reveal steady,

firm motion forward;
seeking light in all those
dark, ugly shadows
circling in around us.

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