Thursday, March 21, 2019


swivel, sniffle, dribble;
sure to be collateral damages.
will not elaborate 
on those damages;

other than to say:
pain will be involved.
how much pain depends
largely upon each
individual threshold.

he wore a fire hydrant
on his head.
she wore a turkey
on her head.

turkey crapped 
all down her back.
he opened his hydrant
washed her all down.

being to conspicuous;
expect a magic bullet.
pompous morning bird; rising.

Tarzan moved in next door;
that big old oak tree.
prosecution in the offing.
blizzard just leaving.
snow shovels at the ready.

thick as thieves;
well, they are thieves, so....
romancing the dollar.
penny pinching clowns;
ain't funny at all.
them comes the day;
all comes tumbling down.

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