Thursday, March 21, 2019


each generation need find
their own pathway.
not doing so leaves a

generation floundering
in dust and ash of time
and far off distance.

a bit unorthodox;
questionable activities.
no provenience on any of this.
old is old and well remain always so.

grow up and let it all go.
what hides under rock and stone,
is at home and resting
please, do not disturb.

country over there
think they are right.
and that other country
over here is wrong.

rest easy, all you pea-brains:
history will certainly decide
which is right and wrong.
and all our raving goes for naught. 

small thinkers, big  thoughts;
transcending into gray mist.
cresting over hill and dale;
rainbows on parade.

oh, how so very predictable
we all become, our instincts 
whither and fade, die.

we play such foolish games;
games at which we cannot
possibly win; so busy

we are becoming predictable.
so mediocre and tiresome
we all become. Mea culpa. 

competence was never 
a problem; I just ignored it.
after all, incompetence
is not a crime,  per se. 

at least not in this time zone.
anyways, I just sleep through
any possible competence issues.

oh, the power of sleep,
overcoming rigors of everyday life.
truly wonderful. 

positive developments 
certainly preferable over
negative developments.

but who is to know
minds of such fools?
process of synthesis;

quite complicated in 
robust rigorous circles,
hiding ourselves in metaphors.

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