Tuesday, March 5, 2019


all we need in life is
a quick wit, sharp stick,
and knowledge to know
which most appropriate
at any given moment
in all our robust lives.

legends come and go.
one fact legends share: mystery.
rarely a legend has
no mystery attached.

believe in what you may;
legends will persist;
with acquired mystery 

whole different perspective,
looking up from down,
a hole appears;

a complete surprise given
in hole appears an eye
as red as any early sunrise
and burning near as brightly. 

following in footsteps of greatness;
a heavy load to carry.
take a mighty strong constitution;
show no signs of weakness.
standing strong and proud.

much of my earlier poetry
hinted at satire. many,
mostly young up and comers,
confuse satire with sarcasm.

an understandable mistake.
however, does fall on me
to teach difference between
satire and sarcasm.

this falls on readers to ascertain.
unable to do so, may suggest
different venue of travel
for those easily mislead. 

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