Saturday, March 2, 2019


well informed;
prelude to forewarned.
shadows hold their
secrets close to home;
thieves in the night.
waves of insecurity
flow through our nerves
nearly to breaking
whether to get serious,
or just get up and get gone,
as we wrestle with our
consciences over who is
best at doing what, and
whether we'll share in
the spoils coming down.
some shady business;
crimson and bleak ascending.
quick profit enthusiasts,
all enthralled in cryptic 
moments of; mixers at five.
expression revealing
sudden influx of mania
consisting  of organic matter
and whole lot of manure

flavored with bird droppings.
simmered slowly, several days.
sure to grow  hair where
hair should not be allowed to grow.
sometimes I think I'm insane.
then, times, think she's insane.
maybe you're the insane one?
no? you're not insane?
well, that leaves her or I.
she'll deny it; that leaves me.

heirlooms, such as they are,
belong in family of;
that there should be family
as dust scatters our ashes
far and wide. 

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