Friday, January 31, 2020


take some intuitive action
grind into a fine powder
suck it up through nose
the world will be yours
with a sharp slap
a new day awakens
pushing up a sleepy sun
starting a new day
inviting children to play
soft into light of day
branches gently sway
sparrows busy at play

while running off with his mouth,
swallowed his teeth, his tongue,
and all those defaming words
falling from his antisocial mouth,
letting him know he is not the boss. 

leader seeking leadership
rates negotiable.
will lead for candy. 
ice cream works.

what is stoic, that we need
stand back, staring blankly,
incoherently at distant nothing,
while time decides our fate?

it is time, then. time is stoic.
certainly not heroic.

this photo came from Pinterest with a color invert.
if you have not tried Pinterest, you should.
the color invert came from Photo Explosion, version 5.


as soon as sudden happens,
sudden is done and gone.
there is no pass go.
there is no go straight to jail.

there is, in fact, a gaping hole
reminding us where once upon a time
sudden was, in fact, alive and well;
fast and sassy and rambunctious
as all of hell. 

an alligator in the bath
indicates something horribly wrong
with the plumbing.

and why the cat is missing,
and what happened
to that missing leather shoe.

while thinking outside one's self,
considered a felony in some cultures,
only considered a misdemeanor 
in a more civilized setting of

who gives a fart and carry on
as though frivolous is new standard
in a new sitcom featuring who is
screwing whom and who knew.

will not be held responsible for diarrhea
anyone occurs while reading this.

when attempting to improve perfection,
many times perfection gets screwed up so badly
perfection will never again be perfect.

take their words;
twist  their words around a bit;
and a bit more.

maybe a little bit more.
now those words are yours.
yours to give a home.

yours to write a poem or two.
yours to live with until time
and distance do you part.

until then, then. 


had a pimple on his butt,
just would not pop, pop, pop.
no, nasty whopper pimple,
until she brought a knife.

took that knife to his nasty
unstoppable pimple,
hanging there off his butt.

when she got done using
that knife, much more was
missing than he bargained for.
beware of women bearing knifes. 

the game is to use each other
until we each have what
we want from each other;

then the hell with each,
going about our lives
as if we've never known
the other ever existed.

graveyard for old poems;
where old poets go to visit,
reminiscing over old poems.

ah, just tripe-tap that sucker.
we'll catch first cloud heading
the hell out of here.

first foreboding cloudbank.
just another aging poet
drowning in words.

poems piled up higher than any
thoughts could ever abide.
while cloudbanks drift on by,
waving bye-bye.


there is always, always a chance
today's stink will linger
far into and possibly far past
all coming tomorrows 
into that dark and cloudy
unknown where no
righteous human would 
ever dare go. 

we should prepare ourselves
for a rumpus tomorrow.
when that does not happen,

and of course it won't,
just sleep it off.
there is always, always

another tomorrow 
followed by another day,
and another day after that

day after days until infinitely 
has had enough and defaults
the entire rigmarole.

and, without exception,
we forge ahead
into whatever it is
forging ahead
holds in store for us
without cry or whimper,
forging ahead we must go.

one must know one's priorities 
that one's priorities
do not become one's enemy
tearing one down, down and out.

pigs are gathering.
methinks there be a riot brewing.
more food and cleaner pigpens,
all assuming issues. 

if our poetry does not drive us mad,
it will, in all probability, kill us.


at cross purpose
with one's own self
comes back around
biting one in their conscience
feeding off one's innocence
dragging one down

idle chitchat among those
having nothing to say
preferring to be elsewhere
having it their own way
live to fight another day

unthinking passion
becomes treacherous 
blind love waning

whatever it takes.
whatever it takes, friends,
neighbors, alligators
and the such.

whatever ti takes;
just get up and do it.
get up and get it done.


got to watch out for snakes.
snakes as big as daydreams.
daydreams as big as any
nightmares we've ever had.

bigger than those snakes
we're watching out for
while we're daydreaming 
of really bit bad snakes and such.

winter in all its nakedness.
and all the sheer cold beauty
that comes with winter season.

have grown quite tired of myth
and all mania accompanying
that mythological world 
and all the weirdness therein.

he has fangs.
she's okay with that as
long as he doesn't try kiss.

that would be just to weird,
causing her to take drastic action;

and he's so damned protective
of  his lovely set of fangs.
well, he is a snake, so....

in the middle of nothing,
time and world
progress dangerously slow.


yesterday is gone.
today is here with all
yesterday's problems.
what of tomorrow?
will we sing the blues?
ecstatic over much
of nothing.

prone to criminal 

cede nothing;
make them earn
every darn inch;

advantage be thus.
advantage be ours.
time and place for everything;
everything in its place.
between life and death
is where we all live. 

but at this time of my
December life,
have little time for
decorum trait.

leave decorum for 
young folks debate.
largest portion of life is deliberate;
remaining portion is only by change,
considered misdemeanor offense.
or just rollover and fart.