Thursday, January 30, 2020


have been dragging my
sorry butt from one mistake
to another, without 
learning to leave well
enough alone, and invite
some wisdom into my 
mediocre life.
but that's just life, isn't it?
and you know this, don't you?
must be wonderful being you. 

had a chance meeting with
a hellion from hell; here to
rewire thinking, making red
next go to color code for

substantial sup terrain
isotopes selling dope and
cheap whiskey down below
where no one need go where
happenings feed off misery. 

a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
proclaim ignorance 
in all things knowledgeable
and fart only when required. 

laying awake, reflecting
what could have been,
what should have been;
now, will never be.

but that's just me being me.
liked it much better
when I was you.
you were so darn cool.
oh, how I envied you,
and still do, you
wonderful you. 

an ill-spent youth
chasing fairy dust
mistaken for reality

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