Monday, January 13, 2020


she knows, and he knows she knows.
from this, strangeness will
form a ridge between, and
their paths will lead wayward.

and wind will cover this
with fine ash and sand,
and their paths never be revealed,
nor their lives acknowledged. 

followed my footprints
to a place I'd never been.
an enlightening experience,
to say the least. 

however, from this point forward,
my feet will never be allowed
leaving home without me.

and should my feet attempt 
sneaking, serious consequences
will ensue, assuring that foolishness
comes to an abrupt and final halt.

did absolutely nothing this day.
and this day, an absolutely 
glorious day to do nothing.

and to be certain;
many more of these days;
absolutely do nothing days
will frequent the future.

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