Monday, January 6, 2020


zero degrees with snow and wind.
good day for cuddling.
forget those icy roadways.
spring just around the corner.

niggling thought patterns
of deception.
scent of trouble 
nearing dramatic conclusion.
constricting throat
suggesting bitters intake.

sharp wind, bone chilling.
winter at its finest.
aggressive time of year.

alas, spring is coming;
no need fear.
few more scoops of snow.
ho, ho, ho and away we go.

an apprehensive quiet
falls across the crowd.
high school footballs team
eked out last minute win.

shape this old world is in,
folks need a little pick-me-up
every now and again.
gives sanity a chance to mend.

pendulum, swing, swung.
this is your time, pendulum;
swing, swung.  
history is yours, pendulum. 
then we have clandestine network
of manics in close proximity 
of hell doing hell's bidding.
swing, pendulum, swing.

nonsense insists; it is the way of it.
we live there, in senseless revelry;
while it all comes crashing 
down around us.

we don't even notice.
we don't even care
for we are lost in it;
all that beautiful nonsense
we've come to love so much.

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