Sunday, January 12, 2020


not to renege, or
change direction on a whim,
or challenged by dare;

should then we fall,
living out our lives
in a corrosive manner of;

ailing of erroneous 
thoughts and desire
dragging us down and out. 

thought I was perfect,
until perfection came along,
set me straight on a few things.

pointed me in a whole new
direction, not including perfect,
or anything even near of.

left me floundering,
left stewing in my own juices.
darn that perfection!

does this poem make me look fat?

poets that drown, revived, drown,
revived, drown, and kept doing it,
until dying done right.

then wrote a most simulating
poem on drowning, reviving,
and getting it done right.

if you think this pathetic,
you need rethink this
until your thinking done right.

have a great night.

had a purpose; traded for a
process, a hyperbole, a hole
in one under, and seven
freak headless silhouettes 
on their way to prominence.

we solitary types, introverts,
appreciate our solitary ways.
keeping subtlety to minimum.
stepping lightly and cautiously;
not to upset status quo.

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